Day - 3
The rain forecast that Kevin had mentioned was confirmed. Capt. Ned said it rained pretty steady all day, but his gear kept him dryer then a pop-corn fart. He said he pushed off around 8:30 am and kroozed about 30 miles before setting up camp again. However, he did mention that before he pushed off this morning he had to lighten his load a bit. He is now less one frying pan. The damn thing just wouldn't fit. I believe we all know what he did with his computer when it was malfunctioning. So I don't believe you have to guess real hard as to what happened to the frying pan. He said day 4 may be lighter yet.
A couple 100 yards of the 30 miles was a quick paddle up into and then right back out of the Eel River. It's now official, Old Ned has kayaked the Eel River. Just as he told Uncle Keith yesterday he's getting better at navigating the river, but he's still smacking into his share of rocks. Damn rocks. Jokingly he said he was almost afraid to survey the bottom of the vessel.
Tonight's camp site, that he will not be frying any food at, is half way between Lockport and Delphi. He plans to get moving around the same time tomorrow. He's excited about hitting the 100 mile mark, which will happen early on. He said he's having an absolutely wonderful time and will continue to do so as long as the kayak holds out.
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