Day's - 11, 12, 13 & 14
I know it's been a few days since the last entry and you've probably been chomping at the bit for an update, so please accept my apology, I've been busier then a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. It can be summed up with a nasty little 4 letter word...work.
Before we get to the update, lets cover the photos above that were taken in Darwin. The first one, of course, is the Kayak Kid himself, Captain Ned Mott. The second is his current means of transportation, that is tied up next to the ferry. The last one is...you guessed it...Wilson. If you notice Wilson had to be modified with some string from the survival kit to help keep him from blowing in-side-out. Hmm...I wonder if there is an actual nautical term for this type of rigging, or if it's just known as I damn sure hope to hell this works.
FYI...More pictures will follow. The blogger would only let me load so many at once.
Day - 11
Hutsonville, IL is where capt. Ned set up camp at the closing of day 11. It's been reported that the natives were great!!! Captain Ned was given a warm welcome greeting complete with homemade beef stew, strawberry shortcake, cold beer and oh yeah...cold beer. Then the bull sh!t sessions commenced. One of the kind natives was a Mr. Tom Comptom, a local news reporter for the Robinson Daily News. I got to work after a long weekend, checked my email and one was titled Captain Ned in Hutsonville, IL. Tom was kind enough to send me an update on Capt. Ned. It was short sweet and to the point. Thank you again Tom. Tom informed me that was going to be doing a short story on Capt. Ned and that I should look for the story later in the week. Pretty cool. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it and will follow up.
Day - 12
The morning started off a little sketchy. The good 'Ol captain almost lost his kayak. The river rose 4 feet over night and started to float the kayak away, but a mighty fine young lad saved the day and rescued the kayak, got it back to shore and tied it safely off. Guess what Kayak Kid was doing...he was sleeping off the strawberry shortcake.
The day was saved, all the gear was packed, loaded and the captain was off like a cannon shot. The Wabash is still rising and is expected to crest around 6 feet. The current is zipping along at at least 2 knots. Capt. Ned put 29 miles behind him with ease. He set up camp 5 miles north of Vincennes, IN. Had a great day and he wants to continue having great days and meeting new people. One of the ways he going to ensure this continues to happen is for him keep hold of his kayak. He is now using an old fashion early warning system that puts Doppler to shame...he's tying it to his toe...Tom Sawyer / Huck Finn style. The fun will continue.
Day - 13
Another 20 or so miles of Indiana Illinois river banks are behind him. He said Wilson has been sluffing off, not doing much accept hanging around below deck snoozing. Capt. Ned was only able to keep him awake for about an hour. The river is running a good 3 knot current, which made for a nice day. Captain Ned set up camp in St. Francisville, IL near an old ferry site. He stayed in this same spot many years ago just after he was discharged from the Navy. I'm not exactly sure what was on the dinner menu but I do remember him telling me that he polished off the rest of his Gold Tops. He said they were worm, but didn't care, they were wet and they were good. Hoping to make it to Mt. Carmel, IL tomorrow.
Day - 14
Mission accomplished. The days mission of making it to Mt. Carmel that is. He said he could have kept going, he still had day light left to burn but the winds were starting to blow like a hooker on nickle night and creating some serious chop. Storms are on the way. Camp was set up on an island which was high and dry. Dry being part of the problem...no Gold Tops to sip on. All & all...another good day. Weather permitting only about 3 days to the Ohio River, and only 1050 miles to New Orleans.
Moving on to an unofficial day 15, I spoke with 'Ol Ned 10:30 am and he was on the move again. Mt. Carmel was now behind him. The Wabash is getting pretty wide an the rains have got the river up about 10 feet. Around 1:00 pm Kevin reported that Wilson was inside out again and an immediate stop for repair had to be made. The official day 15 and more photos will come early tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in.
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