I believe we may be back on track. Please disregard the last map posted. The dates were wrong and Captain Ned didn't make it to Wickliffe, KY Thursday as he had planned. Moving away from my mapping errors, I did some more digging and located more pictures, including the one with the "Rainbow's End" and "Prancer" tied up together. However, I'm having scanner issues. The issue being...I don't have a damn scanner. I believe the payment of a 12 pack to a buddy of mine with a scanner will get these issues resolved. I'll get them posted ASAP.
Day - 23, 24 & 25 - Still no cell signal. Didn't get an updated until the 26th.
Before continuing with the day to day of 'Ol Ned which has been sketchy as of late, while in catch up mode from the last couple days of silence Capt. Ned was excited to tell me that he meet 3 new kayak friends, but being on a different schedule they parted ways shortly after they met. Capt. Ned did however want to make sure I knew about them and wanted to make sure I had their blog address.
These guys are kayaking for a cause. I have it on my other screen right now, and although I haven't read very much of it, I think it's worth checking out. If you would like to read more about their trip and their cause, check out http://www.upstreambattle.blogspot.com/ .
To Tim, Ethan and Justin: Captain Ned Mott and company wish you a safe journey and wish you the best of luck on your mission.
Now, on with the krooz...
Captain Ned didn't quite make it to Wickliffe, KY on the 23rd as he had planned. He ended up stopping near Cairo, IL.
Friday - day 24 was a short day for the captain. He said he's been making good time so he decided to go ahead and stop and hangout in Wickliffe and rest a little bit. He said everything was going well. He said one of the locals he met ran him into town to the store so he could pick up some supplies, and it wasn't until he was at the store that he was informed it was a dry county. He said he walked out of the store and just wanted to lay down in the parking lot and cry.
Capt. Ned was back at his camp site when a Whickliffe local, who had evidently heard of the captain's misfortune, saved the towns good name and delivered a couple cold beers. Being most appreciative they chatted for a while and about the time this guy was leaving another local popped in with a couple more. Per Captain Ned, "life in Whickliffe, KY wasn't bad at all, but you can guarantee I'll be more prepared next time".
Day - 25
Hickman, KY is where 'Ol Ned decided to stop for the night. Purchased a case of cold "Gold Tops". Life is grand again.
Sunday, Day - 26
Happy Fathers Day is how I answered the phone, he laughed and said "your sister already beat you to the punch". And I thought I was going to be on top of the good kid club. Trust me, I'll knock her off of that perch before you know it. The cell signal was still poor but workable. At the time we spoke he said he was just drifting along at 3 knots. He said with a moderate paddle he could easily maintain 5 knots. 7.2 has been the top speed so far.
The river is still on the rise. It's at about 44 feet and expected to come up another 4 feet. Not exactly sure where the actual channel is anymore as all of the channel buoys have washed away.
New Madrid, Missouri is where Capt. Ned ended up Sunday late afternoon. He set up camp at the public boat ramp. He said this place was set up perfect for kayak and canoe travelers. A new friend, Mr. Hall, ran the good 'ol captain up to the supermarket to replenish supplies. He said the only problem he had with this stop was that a couple young boys were throwing stones at his tent while he was trying to get some shut eye. Other then that it was all good.
Capt. Ned told Keith "be sure to inform Becky that I had to alter my good Sunday go to meeting britches". He cut of the legs and brought in the waistband. He said after 600 miles any excess pounds he may have had are now gone.
Day - 27
Caruthersville, MO was Monday night's destination when I talked to the captain. Our conversation was cut a little short when he said he was running upon another whirlpool. He said he's been running into these things the last day or so. He said he can hear them before he can see them. When he said this I kind of chuckled and said "dad...you have Wet Macular Degeneration, of course he can hear them before he can see them". We both laughed, then he said "Hey mon I'll talk to you later, I also have a log heading my way".
Come to find out the whirlpools / boils / spouts are caused by man made jetties made of big rocks used to slow flood water run off in an attempt to help protect the Mississippi levee system. He informed Keith that their not a major problem but he likes to be prepared and try to avoid them because if one pops up underneath you, you have to paddle like crazy to get out and they can spin you a slow 360 degrees.
7.2 was the record. Now the Mighty Mississippi is narrowing a bit and according to one of the gadgets he has, he hit warp speed of 9.2. He said he averaged 8 for at least an hour and maintained around 7 for about 2 hours. He wants to hit a now new personal goal of 10.
The Caruthersville, MO destination was confirmed by Uncle Keith. He said the captain set up camp in a public park right next to a flag pole. Shortly after arrival Capt. Ned spotted a young lady with a child and an old coon dog down looking at the river. Capt. Ned thought it to be a good idea to ask if she would happen to know of a place to re-hydrate. The grin worthy response that was received was "yeah my daddy owns a tavern". "One of the oldest on the river...WOODY'S BAR".
Well now Katy bar the door, you aren't going to believe this...when Capt. Ned walked into this fine establishment they gazed at him for a second or two and exclaimed..."The Kayak Kid"...and handed him a "Gold Top". Captain Ned said that Woody's is a must see place...it's full of history.
Captain Ned has only been in Caruthersville for a couple short hours and has already meet quite a few people. One of these fine soles is taking 'Ol Ned a nice steak dinner. This big meal will definitely help conserve on the supply of Becky's jerky. Estimates he has enough jerky to get him to the gulf.
Hopes to make it too Osceola, Arkansas Tuesday night.
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