Monday, July 21, 2008

Super Mott!!!

There are no question marks behind the term Super Mott. Captain Ned Mott, my dad, is made of steal. You can drag that SOB through a keg of nails and he's gonna come out saying "is that all you got...I thought you said it was gonna be tough". There is no sway in 'Ol Ned's intentions. Captain Ned's beam is level and his keel is straight and true. Unfortunately, now and then there are things that happen that cant be avoided. This is the reason the good 'Ol Captain has not responded yet.

Now...I'll not apologize for the delay in response from Capt. Ned, but I will apologize for lying to you in the first paragraph...there are things that can be avoided. Such things as...oh...I don't know...things like, trying to run my dad over in a pickup truck while he's riding his bicycle up to Rusty Bellies for a bite to eat and to BS with the locals. "I believe that could have been avoided!!!"

I'm not going to elaborate to much on the incident, other then Capt. Ned was struck by a truck while riding his bicycle and he now needs some time to heal. With that said, unless requested by the man himself, this will be the final post until Capt. Ned decides to continue his trip.

Capt. Ned wanted me to give everyone a heartfelt thank you. Thanks to everyone he had the pleasure of meeting along the way. Whether it was a ride to the store for rations, the use of a cell phone, a home cooked meal, a cold beer, a point in the right direction, a wave, or just a simple hello, you all made his trip more enjoyable.

If you would like to be notified when the Kayak Krooz continues please send me an email with Captain Ned or Kayak Krooz in the subject line and I'll get back with you.

If you would like to say hello to Captain Ned and or wish him well, please also title the email Captain Ned or Kayak Krooz.

Thank you all very much! I hope you enjoyed.

Duane Mott

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