Timing is everything! Miss a beat and you lose the rhythm.
The only rhythm lost have been the blog updates. As for Captain Ned, his metronome is right in time. He's keeping on keeping on.
Day - 38
Captain Ned took Friday off. He hung around Vicksburg played the tourist, rested, refueled and replenished. He had to take a trip to wally world to buy smaller pants because his kept falling down. I hope the beans he used for trade was casino winnings.
At 72 feet above sea level Vicksburg, MS is a town that Capt. Ned said is full of very nice, down to earth people. He very much enjoyed his stay their.
Saturday - Day 39
Capt. Ned now well rested pushed off at a decent time and was headed for Natchez, MS. From what I understand he was in contact via 2 way with Cousin Shawn and things were going well, but again the signal was poor, so not much info was provided.
Sunday came and went with no contact from 'Ol Ned.
Day - 41
Capt. Ned made it to Natchez and camped between an old time tavern and a casino. He had to borrow a phone to make brief contact with Uncle Keith and Aunt Becky. He said that good camp sites are becoming harder to find because of the marshy terrain. He also said that he got caught up in a pretty good goose drowning rain storm, and that he hopes that doesn't happen again any time soon.
Tuesday July 1st Day - 42
Excited to see "Dad" pop up on my caller ID, the timing couldn't have been worse. I was in the process of my daily commute from Merritt Island to my office in Orlando and I was right smack in the middle of a construction zone. I had no place to pull over and take notes. We chatted for a few minutes, but I had to cut it short because cell phones, construction zones and major traffic moving at warp speed is a recipe for disaster. I tried to call him back several times, but have had no luck getting through.
Capt. Ned said that he had a great time in Natchez and although he decided against it, he contemplated hanging around for another day. He said that he meet several very nice folks, had several cold "gold tops" and was interviewed by another reporter, whom he said was not shy about snapping pictures. Speaking of pictures...hmmm...I wonder...I wonder if we'll ever get to see the pictures that Capt. Ned sent too Larry???
Captain Ned's plan is to stop just north of Baton Rouge, LA and find someone to haul him and all of his gear over to the Pearl River. This has been his plan all along, he just wasn't exactly sure where he wanted to make this lateral jump. He just always says "I'll make that decision when I get there". The Pearl River will lead the captain down near the mouth of Lake Pontchartrain in the Lake St. Catherine / Lake Borgne area which will then dump him into the Gulf Of Mexico.
Once Capt. Ned reaches the Gulf Of Mexico he's going to need to make another decision. It's something we've discussed a couple times on the phone, but I didn't think it was worth mentioning until now...'Ol Ned is going to have to decide on...LOL...I may be easy...but I'm not that easy. Stay tuned.
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